Shamanic Market Travel Agency offers authentic ceremonies to assist in spiritual transformations, awakenings and healing’s through Andean shamanic techniques and plant medicines ceremonies, offering a sacred and safe environment. Experience the magic and mystery of the rich legacy of rituals and healing practices.



San Pedro Full Day Ceremony

San Pedro (Wachuma in Quechua) is a cactus, used in the Andes for sacred healing for over 3000 years. This medicine is used to heal on emotional, physical and spiritual levels. San Pedro reconnects us to ourselves and to Mother Earth/Pachamama, is a master teacher plant, a great gift from the universe. It helps us to grow, learn, and awaken, and assists us in reaching higher states of consciousness. Wachuma shows us our divinity and the divinity in ALL. This is a beautiful way to heal ourselves, to have the TRUE understanding of all that is, and to set us free. San Pedro gives us a greater understanding of our purpose in life, clarity, and love for ourselves and for all of creation. This is Heart medicine giving a deep connection and working for raising consciousness. 


PREPARATION DIET: Recommend that the day before plant medicine ceremonies that you avoid any heavy foods such as meat, fried foods and alcohol. A light vegetarian diet is preferable. Disclose any prescription medications you are taking on the day of ceremony that could cause potential interactions with the plants.

Offering to Mother Earth Ceremony – "The Despacho"

Duration: 2 hours – Private service/ceremony

The offering to Mother Earth, also known as a ‘Despacho Ceremony’ is an ancestral tradition practiced by the Andean shamans from the ‘Qero’ tribe. 

The offering (which is also act of ayni or sacred reciprocity) consists of gratitude for all the blessings in our lives such as abundance, love and health followed by a physical offering to Pachamama and the apus, a symbolic way in which we give back to nature for all that we are grateful for in our lives. As we give, we receive our requests of prosperity. The offering is a gift to Mother Earth, charged with your personal intentions, unifying all living energy of the physical and unseen universe.

Ceremony in Absentia

A ceremony can energetically be performed on behalf of another person present or on line. They need not be present, and regardless of where they are geographically in that moment – a reminder of the energetic connections we share with all beings, elements and spirits. The offering is created on an Andean weaving that represent the divine complement of masculine/feminine in balance. A bed of coca leaves is laid out with intent by the participant(s), to carry the prayers of the offering into the cosmos, a prayer for a person or situation which you are asking for the cosmos to support energetically. The despacho contains symbols of all elements, and is woven together energetically, similar to a mandala.

Ayahuasca Night Ceremony

Shamanic Market Travel Agency offers ayahuasca ceremonies led by indigenous shamans with years of experience who act as conduits for the plant spirits.

The ayahuasca center provides a safe and comfortable environment in which to work with the medicine in the traditional manner.

Ayahuasca, also know as ‘vine of the soul’ reveals the content of one’s conscious and subconscious reality, ideas, ideologies and beliefs, increasing the level of creativity, intelligence, wellness and balance, a journey into the shadows of the soul.

Ayahuasca opens portals to the spirit world of initiatory visions bringing on a “spiritual awakening” creating a profound experience of oneness.

The Maestro orchestrates the ceremony through powerful prayer, icaros (medicine songs) and energetic work.

The purge on Ayahuasca represents the release of negative energies and a cleansing of the body, mind and spirit. Ayahuasca the Master teacher reveals itself differently to everyone.


PREPARATION DIET: Recommend that the day before plant medicine ceremonies that you avoid any heavy foods such as meat, fried foods and alcohol. A light vegetarian diet is preferable. 

The day of the ceremony have a light breakfast and clear teas leading into the night ceremony.

Disclose any prescription medications you are taking on the day of ceremony that could cause potential interactions with the plants.

Sacred Coca Leaf Reading

Duration: 20/30 minutes

Throughout Peruvian history the coca leaf has been considered a sacred plant used in numerous ceremonies, offerings to Mother Earth and for readings and divination (‘fortune-telling’)

This practice has passed through generations that date back to pre-Inkan civilizations. 

The coca leaf reading is a nature window that shows you the past, present and possible future, that we can consult.

The reading invokes the spirit of the plant as a cosmic key, guiding us in different aspects of our life (health, abundance, love and prosperity.)

The reading applies to fate and allows you to clarify uncertainties making it possible to know your current state and options for the future.

The reading takes place on a medicine cloth, called a ‘mesa’, by blowing the breath of life into the 3 leaves called a ‘kintu’, connecting to the spirit world. How the leaves fall on the mesa cloth determines the message sent by the spirit of Mama Coca.  

The coca leaf is thereby the element that symbolically cements the collaboration pact between the realms of spirit and men, a key into this divine relationship.

Participating in this shamanic ceremony with an authentic Andean shaman will show you a new perspective on life and help you with guidance as to what you might do to affect it. The ceremony can energetically be performed online, no need to be present, and regardless of where you are geographically.

Andean Spiritual Wedding

The Andean wedding is conducted at Temple of the Moon at the Condor Temple also known as the Temple of Love (Or at the location of your choose). It has been used for 1000s of years to unite two individuals as one, with the highest blessing in the Andes – the condor. The Inca Marriage Pact strengthens love under an eternal commitment. 

This Andean ceremony is a conjugal union between two. 

In the Andean Wedding Ceremony, kintus – three coca leaves that represent the serpent, puma and condor, and imbued with sacred intentions are placed in the center of the Condor Temple heart as it is believed that the condor carried their coca leaves to the upper world, as a symbol of everlasting love.



Wedding Despacho – this is a sacred and powerful prayer bundle from the tradition of the Andean Q’ero. A medicine bundle is a physical manifestation of the prayers in our hearts, and a way to offer our gratitude to the Earth and nature spirits, to welcome them into the ceremony, and ask for their blessings for the wedding couple.

The ritual of the Marriage Ceremony or a Commitment Ceremony certainly is one filled with love, welcoming, excitement, and blessings.  A marriage or commitment 

ceremony that combines shamanic elements with traditional components makes for a very unique and sacred wedding ceremony about uniting the lives of two people, which is both sacred and divine.


This can also be a lovely way to take your relationship with your partner to a deeper level. This ceremony can be used purely to honor union and rekindle and deepen an existing committed relationship. 

Official marriage is not necessary. If you have been with your partner for a long time and wish to honor the relationship, then this could be an option for you, too. (Please note these ceremonies are not civil marriages nor are there any official registrations.

Pilgrimages to Sacred Sanctuaries & Spiritual Workshops

Venturing into the Andes in search of spirituality has never been more appealing! The Inkas had a myth that revolved around these sacred sanctuaries which have hardly been visited by tourists for centuries, identified as powerful energy vortexes which the Inka called ‘wakas’. For the Inkas, this was a well-understood phenomenon. These are super-charged power spots.

We offer visits to sacred sites such as: Aramu Muru, Pachar and Huayqui. 

Light Activation Workshops: We offer many methods of expression and discovery, revealing innate mystery and union with the tools of the Universe working with the energies and the power of spirituality in growing waves of consciousness. Please inquire about our next upcoming events. 

Optional: Machu Picchu has become increasing regulated with its astounding popularity as a World Heritage site. Are you looking for a deeper connection with the ancient mystical energies rather than the turn-style tourism that the average visitor is now finding? On our Mystical Machupicchu Tour you will be accompanied and guided by a Peruvian shaman to experience the more esoteric side of what you are seeing rather than the stories that are told by the mainstream guides regarding just the archeological theories. Allow us to take you deep into the magical, mystical energies that are hidden deep in the heart of Machu Picchu.



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Aramu Maru

This is a Gateway to the Lands of the Gods known as the Portal of Serpents, considered a stargate and inter-dimensional portal near Lake Titicaca.

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The Inka’s belief was that Pachar was a portal through to other dimensional doorways with sacred alignment and magnificent, high-quality stone work within. It is a most unusual site, as it is a cave which in the Andean traditional represents the ‘inner world’, even though it is part way up a cliff-face!


This is an alien skull museum with an elongated-skull mummy that challenges what we have been taught about ancient populations and our origins on many levels with potentially hybrid creatures from other worlds.


Sacred Valley Tour

Duration: Full day, 8am - 6pm (approx.) Group and private service

The Sacred Valley of the Incas is one of the most important centers of the entire Incan Empire. It functioned as an agricultural, spiritual and political center, is is literally dotted with magnificent ruins, ancient villages and miles of beautiful landscapes.

This tour is designed to see all of the valley in one action packed day!



This full day tour takes you to all the most popular Inca and Pre-Inca sites of the Sacred Valley, Pisac market and archeological site military outpost, Ollantaytambo gate way to Machupicchu and Chinchero textile center.



Transportation, comfortable bus and professional guide.



General or partial ticket and lunch.


Cusco Sightseeing City Tour

Duration: 4 hours, 1pm - 5pm (approx.) Group service or private service any time.

Cusco city tour is a great way to immerse oneself into Cusco!

Gain great insight into the fascinating history of the city exploring one of Peru’s most treasured places on foot.

This is the oldest city in the Western Hemisphere and is identified as the “Cradle of the Inca civilization, archaeological capital of the Americas”

Cusco was the heart of the Incan empire during the 14th and 15th centuries and today serves as one of the most visited cities in Peru.



Visiting Cusco’s main historical monuments such as the main Cathedral Colonial Catholic church, Qoricancha Inca Temple of the Sun and Saqsayhuaman Inca archeological ruins, sites include; Qenqo altar, Pucapucara fortress and Tambomachay water temple.



Transportation, comfortable bus and professional guide.



Entrance fees to Cathedral, Sun Temple, and four Ruins, general or partial tourist ticket.

Machupicchu 2 Day Journey

Duration: 2 day program. Time duration depending on train availability

Uncover the mysteries of Machupicchu, one of the world’s most renowned archeological treasures, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World, discovered by explorer Hiram Bingham in 1911. Machu Picchu is a place with much scientific and cultural importance, being one of the greatest expressions of the Inca culture`s architectural development. The complex is made up of ceremonial plazas, expansive gardens, perfectly individualized dwellings and temples embedded  with histories lost in time. 


Day 1) This all inclusive service to Machupicchu takes you on a scenic transfer via the sacred valley and train ride to the town of Machupicchu ‘Aguas Calientes.’

On arrival settle into your hotel and enjoy free time wandering the local markets, and botanical gardens. Briefing & overnight at the base of the mystical mountain.  

Day 2) Catch the morning bus up to the sanctuary of Machupicchu for sunrise, unlocking the secrets of the lost city with an experienced guide, exploring mystical Machupicchu at your own pace.

Return to Aguas Calientes before taking the train / transfer back to Cusco.


Round trip transfers, round trip trains, hotel, breakfast, round trip bus tickets to Machupicchu, guide and entrance fee to Machupicchu.

Excludes: Meals.


Huayna Picchu – Optional at extra cost, limited permits.

Machupicchu tour in group service or private service optional at extra cost.

Passport is required to pass control points!

Machupicchu 1 Day Trip

Duration: 1 day program. Time duration depending on train availability. This tour is recommended if you have limited time


This all inclusive 1 day trip to Machupicchu takes you on a scenic morning transfer via the sacred valley and train ride to the town of Machupicchu ‘Aguas Calientes.’

On arrival catch the bus up to the sanctuary of Machupicchu, unlocking the secrets of the lost city with an experienced guide, exploring mystical Machupicchu at your own pace. Return to Aguas Calientes before taking the train / transfer back to Cusco arriving in the evening.



Round trip transfers, round trip trains, round trip bus tickets to Machupicchu, guide and entrance fee to Machupicchu.





Huayna Picchu – Optional at extra cost, limited permits.

Machupicchu tour in group service or private service optional at extra cost.

Passport is required to pass control points!

Inca Trail 4 Day Trek to Machupicchu

Duration: 4 days 3 nights (43 KM.) Departure depending on availability

Trace the path of the original Inca Trail during an unforgettable 4-days, 3-nights camping with Machupicchu as it´s final destination. 

Follow the footsteps of the Incas as you cross mountain terrains and lush jungles exploring several archaeological sites, finally arriving to the lost city of the Incas.

The Inca Trail is unparalleled for its ecological diversity and wealth of archaeological treasures with over 450 species of birds and 200 hundred species of orchids.



Day 1) Transfer from Cusco to Ollantaytambo starting point at KM 82

Trek to Wayllabamba Camp (11 km) 3000m

Approximate hiking time: 5 – 6 hours.

Here the journey begins with a relatively easy day ascending into semi-tropical jungle.


Day 2) Trek to Pacaymayo Camp (10 km) 3600m

Approximate hiking time: 6 – 7 hours.

This pass is the highest point, known as Dead Woman’s Pass, the toughest part of the journey.


Day 3) Trek to Wiñayhuayna High Jungle Camp (15 km) 2600m

Approximate hiking time: 8 hours.

On this part of the path we descend towards the valley of Wiñayhuayna (“Forever Young”) where we will get a slight glimpse of Machupichcu Mountain.


Day 4) Trek to Machupicchu and return to Cusco (7 km) 2400m

Approximate hiking time: 2 hours.

Hike to Inti Punku the “Sun Gate” for a Guided tour exploring mystical Machupicchu and its 140 structures including temples, sanctuaries, parks and houses at your own pace., before taking the bus to Aguas Calientes from where we will return back to Cusco.



Professional bilingual tour guide, assistant tour guide (for groups of 9 or More,) entrance fee to Inca Trail and Machupicchu, transportation – bus to kilometer 82 and train back to Ollantaytambo / transfer Cusco, bus from Machupicchu to Aguas Calientes, water (bring water for the first morning,) meals: 03 breakfast, 03 lunch, 03 dinner + snack and tea time service every day, vegetarian options available, tents (per 2 sharing,) foam sleeping mattress, porters and cook, camping equipment (kitchen tent, dinning tent, chairs, tables and oxygen tank,) and First Aid kit.



Breakfast on day 1 and lunch on day 4, extra porter to carry your personal items, walking sticks, sleeping bag and travel insurance.



Huayna Picchu mountain – Optional at extra cost, limited permits.

Passport is required to pass control points!

To ensure you get your spot, we advise to book 03-06 months in advance. (Excluding February.)

Each hiker will be responsible for carrying there own personal belongings and sleeping bag.



Here are some tips on what to pack for your Inca Trail, passport, cash, backpack, a daypack if you choose to hire an extra porter to carry your backpack and items, sleeping bag, rain jacket or poncho, comfortable hiking shoes, warm clothes, including jacket for variable weather conditions, small towel & toiletries, swimsuit (recommended for the hot springs,) personal medication, water bottle, sunscreen, sunglasses & hat, Insect repellent, toilet paper,  torch / flashlight and snacks.

Inca Trail 2 Day Trek to Aguas Calientes - Machupicchu

Duration: 2 days 1 night (10 KM.) Departure depending on availability

The 2 day short Inca Trail is a great option for those who don’t have the time or energy to hike the 4 day Inca Trail, but get to enjoy the best bits of the Inca Trail condensed into one.

Trace the path of the original Inca Trail during an unforgettable 2-days, 1-night with Machupicchu as it´s final destination. 

Follow the footsteps of the Incas visiting the lost city Machupicchu archaeological site on day 2.

The Inca Trail is unparalleled for its ecological diversity and wealth of archaeological treasures with over 450 species of birds and 200 hundred species of orchids.



Day 1) Transfer from Cusco to Ollantaytambo starting point at KM 104

Wiñayhuayna – Inti Punku the Sun gate (10 km) 2700m – Aguas Calientes hostel (1900m.)

Approximate hiking time: 6 hours.

Hike to Wiñayhuayna and Inti Punku the “Sun Gate” from where you will have your first panoramic view of Machupicchu walking through to Aguas Calientes.

Free time to explore Aguas Calientes known as the basin of the cloud forest, hot springs, botanical gardens and surroundings. Overnight in Aguas Calientes hostel.


Day 2) Catch the morning bus up to the sanctuary of Machupicchu for sunrise, unlocking the secrets of the lost city with your guide, exploring mystical Machupicchu and its 140 structures including temples, sanctuaries, parks and houses at your own pace.

Return to Aguas Calientes before taking the train / transfer back to Cusco.



Professional bilingual tour guide, entrance fee to Inca Trail and Machupicchu, transfer / train to kilometer 104 and train back to Ollantaytambo / transfer Cusco, busses to and from Machupicchu, hostel, oxygen tank, first aid kit, meals 1 box lunch, 1 dinner and 1 breakfast, vegetarian options available.



Meals not indicated, walking sticks and travel insurance.



Huayna Picchu mountain – Optional at extra cost, limited permits.

Passport is required to pass control points!

To ensure you get your spot, we advise to book 03-06 months in advance. (Excluding February.)

Each hiker will be responsible for carrying there own personal belongings.

Inca Jungle Trek 4 Days to Machupicchu

Duration: 4 days 3 nights - Daily departures in group or private service

The Inca Jungle Trek is an action-packed trip to the Inca citadel Machupicchu. It’s the best option for those who prefer a more adventurous and adrenaline-fuelled alternative route combined with mountain biking, whitewater rafting,  trekking and zip lining along the way, allowing you to enjoy a variety of fun outdoor activities whilst visiting Inca ruins, jungle, alpine peaks, hot springs, local farms and villages along the path!



Day 1) Cusco – (3.5 hours by bus) Abra Malaga – Santa Maria

Biking distance: 60km: 4 hours approx.

The route begins from Malaga Pass to Santa Maria – 4316m to 1196m descent (all downhill,) with incredible views of the Andes and one of the most exciting cycles of your life. 

Overnight in a local family hostel at Santa Maria (rustic accommodation.)


*River rafting class 3+ rapids is available as an optional extra in the afternoon if the time and season is right, (typically October-April).


Day 2) Santa Maria – Santa Teresa

Hiking distance: 22km: 8 hours approx. 1900m

Today is a relatively big trekking day in terms of distance, winding paths, steep hillsides and sheer gorges.

Visiting Cocalmayo thermal hot springs on route to refresh, relax and to enjoy the healing waters. (Temperature 40ºC to 44ºC)

Overnight in a local family hostel at Santa Teresa (rustic accommodation.)


Day 3) Santa Teresa – Aguas Calientes 

Hiking distance: 19 Km: 6 hour approx. 1900m.

Trekking through thick vegetation cloud forest to the Hydroelectric train station through to Aguas Calientes known as the basin of the cloud forest offering excellent birdwatching opportunities along the way!

Overnight in an Aguas Calientes hostel.


*ZIP line is available as an optional extra in the morning at Santa Teresa.


Day 4) Aguas Calientes – Machupicchu – Cusco

Rise early to view the sanctuary of Machupicchu for sunrise, unlocking the secrets of the lost city with your guide, exploring mystical Machupicchu and its 140 structures including temples, sanctuaries, parks and houses at your own pace.

Return to Aguas Calientes before taking the train / transfer back to Cusco.



Transfer to Abra Malaga, accommodation: 3 nights, entrance fee to Machu Picchu, Meals: 3x breakfasts, 3x lunches, 3x dinners, professional bilingual tour guide, guided tour of Machupicchu, tourist train from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo / transfer Cusco, mountain bicycle, helmet and gloves, first aid kit including emergency oxygen bottle, entrance to Cocalmayo thermal hot springs, 1 bus ticket to or from Machupicchu.



River rafting class 3+ rapids is available as an optional extra.

ZIP line is available as an optional extra.

Optional train ride from Hydroelectric train station through to Aguas Calientes.

1 bus ticket to or from Machupicchu.

First breakfast & last lunch, water, travel insurance, tips.



Huayna Picchu mountain – Optional at extra cost, limited permits.

Passport is required to pass control points!

Visibility can sometimes be very poor at the Abra Malaga Pass and the itinerary could change and instead drive directly to Santa Maria.

Each hiker will be responsible for carrying their own personal belongings.


We also offer a shorter version of the Inca Jungle, 3 days 2 nights: 

Day 1) Cusco – Abra Malaga – Santa Teresa.

Day 2) Santa Teresa – Hidroelectrica – Aguas Calientes.

Day 3) Aguas Calientes – Machu Picchu –  Cusco.

(Inquire on the latest prices for the optional activities.)  



What to pack…..

Here are some tips on what to pack for your trail, passport, cash, backpack to carry your personal items, rain jacket or poncho, comfortable hiking shoes, warm clothes, including jacket for variable weather conditions, small towel & toiletries, swimsuit (recommended for the hot springs,) personal medication, water bottle, sunscreen, sunglasses & hat, insect repellent, toilet paper, torch / flashlight and snacks.

Horseback Riding

Duration: Half day, 3 hours (approx.), group and private service. Departure times: 9am and 1pm

 exciting tours to choose from : A (Classic) B (Mystical)


The Classic guided horseback riding tour takes you to the most famous 4 archeological sites around Cusco city, through the most gorgeous scenery of the Andes.

The Mystical guided horseback riding tour takes you to Temple of the Moon and Chacan sacred mountain.

Trot through the breathtaking fresh air countryside in the outskirts of Cusco while sightseeing Inca ruins and soaking up the atmosphere of the Andes.



A (Classic) 

Transfer to the Qenqo Ranch where your guide will provide helmets and safety instructions. 

Combined riding and walking tour, visiting Cusco’s main historical temples, Saqsayhuaman Inca archeological ruins, sites include: Qenqo altar, Pucapucara fortress and Tambomachay water temple.


B (Mystical)

Transfer to the Qenqo Ranch where your guide will provide helmets and safety instructions. 

Combined riding and walking tour, visiting Temple of the Moon ruins (known as the serpent cave) and Chacan, the sacred mountain known as the Inca face used by the Incas for ceremonial offerings to Pachamama (mother earth)




Ranger guide.



Peruvian Paso horse.

Snack & water.



Tourist ticket (only on classic tour.)



A (Classic) Tourist ticket required. 

B (Mystical) Tourist ticket not required.

We recommend taking sunscreen, raincoat or poncho, bottle of water and camera.

Maras & Moray Valley Tour

Duration: Full day & half day tours. Group and private service.

Three exciting tours to choose from : A (By mountain bike) B (By car) C (By motorbike or ATV)


Maras and Moray are known as the hidden gems of the Sacred Valley. 3500m

Moray boasts three agricultural circular terraces, which are carved deep into the earth (150 meters,) in the shape of a bowl, used as an experimental laboratory center to study the adaptation of plants to new ecosystem conditions. 

Maras known as the natural salt mines “Salineras de Maras” has over 3000 pink salt pools carved into the mountain side filled by an underground spring, developed in pre-Inca times. 



A (By mountain bike)  

Full day, 35Km: 4 – 5 hours biking approx.

This is the most famous mountain biking tour in Cusco, for cross country bikers.

Morning transfer through to the Sacred Valley towards Chinchero Inca village where we start our mountain biking off road adventure to Maras & Moray, climbing and descending along dirt roads and mountain trails.

Finishing our epic trip in Urubamba, transfer back to Cusco.


Includes: Transfers, bicycle guide, box lunch, suspension bikes, gloves and helmet.

Excludes: Entrance fees to Maras & Moray, entrance to Moray is included on the full Tourist Ticket. 


B (By car) 

Half day, 3 – 4 hours approx.

Take the time to explore Maras and Moray by vehicle stopping at the best viewpoints of the valley along the way. 

After exploring by foot the circular Inca terraces and the scenic salt mines we head back to Cusco.


Includes: Transfers / Transportation: (Depending on size of group.)

Excludes: Entrance fees to Maras & Moray, entrance to Moray is included on the full Tourist Ticket, lunch & guide (optional.)


C (By motorbike or ATV 4-wheel metal beast “quad bike”.) 


Half day, 50Km: 4 – 5 hours biking approx.

Transfer to Cruzpata, a small community located on route via Chinchero in the Sacred Valley, Here pre – training, explanations and tips will be provided by the guide.

Ride through picturesque Andean villages and landscapes to Maras and Moray the most symbolic area that the valley has to offer.

Feel the adrenaline of having total control off-the-beaten-track.


Duration: Half day, 120Km: 4 hours approx.

Daily departures from Cusco.

An unforgettable riding adventure through the valley with stops along the way to capture the beautiful landscapes, snow-peaked mountains and Inca ruin’s on mixed terrain, asphalt and dirt road.


Includes: Round trip transfers for ATV’s, motorcycle (Honda XR 250cc Tornado / Suzuki DR 650 optional) or ATV ( Honda 250cc / 400cc optional) , gloves and helmet and adventure guide.

Excludes: Entrance fees to Maras & Moray, entrance to Moray is included on the full Tourist Ticket, travel insurance, lunch, an additional passenger, fuel for “motorbike.”



Operates in all weather conditions, please dress appropriately

B (By car) The driver is not an official guide, we recommended a guide to fully understand the history and significance of the sights you’ll see, however it is a very accessible site for seeing yourself as well. 

C (By motorbike) Optional: Sacred Valley full day “independent” rentals available, full package includes the Sacred Valley, Ollantaytambo, Pisaq, Maras-Moray and Chinchero.


What to pack…….

Here are some tips on what to pack for your adventure, water bottle, camera, sun hat, sun cream, rain poncho, warm fleece to return and extra money for entrance fee at Moray.

River Rafting

Duration: 1 day & 3 day tours. Group service

2 exciting tours to choose from mild to wild : A (Urubamba river rafting 1 day) B (Apurimac river rafting 3 days 2 nights)


These rivers run from the high Andean mountain ranges down through the Valley of the Incas, past Machupicchu and into the jungle, creating some of the most exciting rapids and breath-taking scenery, These trips are known to be full of fun, with lots of “adrenaline pumps” along the way. There are also some good chances of close encounters with the local fauna, such as the Torrent duck, foxes , Andean gull , and the magnificent Condor.



A (Urubamba river rafting 1 day) MILD

Fun and friendly whitewater rafting class II & III+ rapids.

The rafting is located one and a half hours drive from Cusco to the River Lodge.

Upon arrival the guide will provide a safety briefing, general information and instructions.

There will also be a guide in a Kayac for your safety.

Overall, you will be running the water for about 2 hours.

Afterwards lunch will be served and you can enjoy a hot shower and a relaxing sauna.

Return back to Cusco in the late afternoon.


Included: Professional guides, rafting equipment, lunch, helmet, life jacket, spray jacket, paddle, wetsuit, raft boats, transfers / transportation, lunch, First Aid Kit, sauna, hot showers & toilets.

Excludes: Travel insurance, extra activities.


B (Apurimac river rafting 3 days 2 nights) WILD

Conquer continuous whitewater rafting class III, & IV+ rapids 

The rafting is located 4 hours from Cusco

Upon arrival the guide will provide a safety briefing, general information and instructions.

The Apurimac river (Speaker of the Gods) is known to be intense with lots of adrenaline pumping rapids.

Day 1) Floating for 2 – 3 hours , rafting class II and III rapids. Camp in a narrow gorge with impressive walls.

Day 2) Today we will be rafting for about 6 hours, mostly class III and IV rapids , sleep on a sandy beach under the night sky of the southern hemisphere.

Day 3) After a good breakfast we will be rafting through a couple of class V rapids with names such as tooth ache, your first & last laugh. 

After 3 to 4 hours of rafting we pack all the equipment and drive back to Cusco, arriving late afternoon.


Included: Professional guides, rafting equipment, meals, helmet, life jacket, spray jacket, paddle, wetsuit, self bailing rafts, transfers / transportation.

lunch, First Aid Kit, water proof-bags for personal luggage, double occupancy camping tents, light volume sleeping bag & mattress.

Excludes: First breakfast on day 1 and last dinner on day 3, travel insurance.



Optional: Video and Photos Services

Departures depending on the season and weather conditions.

For the 3 day tour we recommend you bring an extra pair of tennis shoes, shirt, shorts, pants, insect repellent & flash light for the camp.


What to pack…….

Here are some tips on what to pack for your rafting adventure, bathing suit, light clothes, towel, sandals or tennis shoes, shorts, water bottle, snacks, hat & sun block.

Rainbow Mountain

Duration: Full day. Group or private service. 5020m

Journey through an undiscovered land gaining popularity due to its unique scenery of wild desert landscapes, turquoise lakes, green valleys and grazing alpacas.

Rainbow Mountain also known as Vinicunca is one of the highest elevation day tours in Cusco, a natural phenomenon caused by a great saturation of minerals.The Mountain is a slab of shifting colored minerals that form the painted hills of yellow, blue, and maroon cascades falling down the sides of the mountain like a waterfall, hidden deep in the Andes.

Rainbow Mountain offers a dream-like landscape with the colors of the rainbow all stacked on top of one another like a reflection of a rainbow on Earth. 

With spectacular scenery of Ausangate glacier mountain (6385m) towering in the distance, since pre-Inca times the mountain has been a place of worship and offerings.



Early morning departure, 3 hours drive a gorgeous route, passing local villages and farms through to the community ‘Rainbow’ (breakfast break) , 3 hours trekking through sloping meadows acceding up to rainbow mountain hump that offers a 360 degree view with free time to explore the area and take pictures.

Decent 2 hours trek down back to community (lunch break) to catch our transportation back to Cusco arriving in the evening 3 hours.



Round trip transportation, breakfast, lunch, guide, entrance fee.

Excludes: Horse



Level of difficulty: Moderately difficult / challenging. (Walking distance 15 km)

Optional: Horse rental for entire trip or emergency.

Meals and guide are only included in group service!


What to pack…….

Daypack, warm clothes (scarf, sweaters, rain jacket, gloves), walking boots, walking sticks, hat, sunglasses, toilet paper (squat toilets) and hand sanitizer. suncream, extra money, snacks

Lake Titicaca

Duration: 2 and 3 day tours. Private or group service

2 exciting journeys to choose from : A. (3 Days,Taquile – Amantani – Uros) or B. (2 Days, Uros – Taquile)


Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world at over 170km long, it is also the largest lake in South America and one of Peru’s natural wonders.

According to Incan mythology, Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo emerged from the depths of  the lake making it the cradle of the Incan civilization.


The islands provide a glimpse into the rich history of the everyday life of the indigenous groups – inspiring myths and legends.

Described as the place where Heaven and Earth meet, the lake is the largest energy vortex portal in South America and has been dubbed one of the most sacred and powerful places on earth. It is over 3-million years old and represents the 2nd Earth chakra.



Itinerary: A. (3 Days)

Day 1: Cusco – Puno. 3820m


Transfer to Bus station.

The bus journey from Cusco to Puno is very scenic, passing through high sierra & majestic mountains rising over the altiplano, the cradle of the Inca civilization and the gateway to Lake Titicaca.

The city of Puno is used as the stepping off point for exploring Lake Titicaca, known as the Folklore Capital of Peru.

Most of Puno’s inhabitants are of Andean origin and share a unique mixture of modernity and Andean traditions.

Transfer to Hotel.

Briefing with Guide.

Puno Hotel.


Day 2: Lake Titicaca – Taquile – Amantani Island. 


Transfer to port.

Motorboat excursion begins on Lake Titicaca, visiting Taquile island – famous for its beautiful handwoven textiles and numerous pre-Incan ruins.

The Islanders still maintain many ancient traditions reflected in their clothing and beautiful handicrafts.

Continuing our journey towards Amantani Island, where we will be met by a local family.

Trek to the top of the mountain to see the Temples of the Pachamama and its glorious view of Lake Titicaca.

Authentic food will be prepared, and music performed, by your designated host family.

Family rustic home stay.


Day 3: Uros Floating Reed Islands – Puno.


Head back to Puno, visiting the legendary indigenous floating islands made of woven totora reeds, created by the small community that has lived on these reed Islands for decades.

Interacting with the community and learning more about the extraordinary reed and its multiple uses in fishing, construction of boats and houses. 

The islands are part of the Titicaca National Reserve that protects over 60 species of native birds, four families of fish and 18 native amphibians species.

Transfer to Hotel.


Includes: Transfers, bus to Puno, 1 night hotel in Puno (includes breakfast), motor boat with toilet facilities, entrance fees, 1 night Lodging at family home at Amantani, dinner & breakfast on the island, visit to 3 islands and bilingual guide.

Excludes: Ride on reed boat, meals not indicated and hotel on last night (optional).


B. (2 Days) 

Day 1: Cusco – Puno. 3820m


Transfer to Bus station.

The bus journey from Cusco to Puno is very scenic passing through high sierra & majestic mountains rising over the altiplano the cradle of the Inca civilization and the gateway to Lake Titicaca.

The city of Puno is used as the stepping off point for exploring Lake Titicaca, known as the Folklore Capital of Peru.

Most of Puno’s inhabitants are of Andean origin and they share a unique mixture of modernity and Andean traditions.

Transfer to Hotel.

Briefing with Guide.

Puno Hotel.


Day 2: Lake Titicaca – Uros – Taquile. 7am – 6pm


Start off the motorboat excursion on Lake Titicaca by visiting the legendary indigenous floating islands made of woven totora reeds on route to Taquile, created by the small community that has lived on these reed Islands for decades.

Interacting with the community and learning more about the extraordinary reed and its multiple uses in fishing, construction of boats and houses. 

Head back to Puno after visiting Taquile island, famous for its beautiful handwoven textiles and numerous pre-Incan ruins.

The Islanders still maintain many ancient traditions reflected in their clothing and beautiful handicrafts.

The islands are part of the Titicaca National Reserve that protects over 60 species of native birds, four families of fish and 18 native amphibians species.

Transfer to Hotel.


Includes: Transfers, bus to Puno, 1 night hotel in Puno (includes breakfast), motor boat with toilet facilities, entrance fees, visit to 2 islands and bilingual guide.

Excludes: Ride on reed boat, meals and hotel on last night (optional).



Optional: Fully equipped bus, Including all entrances fees, lunch, bilingual guide, and SS.HH visiting picturesque villages, temples & museums instead of a direct bus.

Please note that the island tours can be done in reverse depending on the guides judgment and weather.

Optional: Travel to Puno aboard the Belmond Andean train (10 hours). This train journey was awarded as the second most beautiful rail route in the world.

Optional: Return back to Cusco by bus or fly to lima from Juliaca, or extend your journey to Arequipa.

Escape the crowds and book a VIP private tour.    

Optional: Visit Sillustani – A pre-Incan cemetery on the shores of lake Umayo near Puno, see tombs which were built above the ground in imposing tower like structures.


What to pack……. (Please bear in the mind that temperatures on the lake can be quite cold).

Here are some tips on what to pack for your adventure: 1 windbreaker, 1 sweater, 2 t-shirts, 1 pair of pants, 1 pair of leggings, 2 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of undies, 1 pair of running shoes or hiking boots, 1 baseball cap or sunhat, 1 wool hat it gets really cold at night and sunblock.

Arequipa: Colca Canyon.

2 exciting journeys to choose from : (2 Days) or (1 Day)

A journey to Peru is not complete without visiting Arequipa the “White City”, practically built out of Sillar a white volcanic stone.
Starting from Arequipa, explore one of the deepest canyons in the world, ‘Colca Canyon’, at a depth of 10,725 ft (3,270 m).
Colca is one of the most scenic regions in Peru, a land of imposing snowcapped volcanoes, narrow gorges, desert landscapes, hot springs and remote traditional villages. Some of Peru’s most recognizable wildlife, including llamas, alpacas, vicuñas are found here, and the canyon is home to the iconic Andean condor. Share activities with locals, walk through traditional villages, taste the traditional dishes, sample Andean products, learn about the unique textiles and of course, observe the famous and majestic flight of the Condor.

Itinerary: A. (2 Days)
Day 1: Arequipa – Chivay.

Pick-up from hotel in Arequipa at approximately 8 AM and head northwest towards Chivay.
Stop at the National Reserve en route, to witness the spectacular views of the volcanoes, snowcapped mountains and native wildlife such as flamingoes, ibis, Andean geese, ducks and Andean eagles.
Reach the town of Chivay, where the group stops for lunch.
Spend the rest of the afternoon enjoying the lodge, immerse yourself in the beautiful scenery, or take a trek if you are feeling energetic, to fully appreciate the majesty of the Colca Canyon.
Soothe and relax all your aches and pains away in the therapeutic thermal waters of the hot springs (optional), or just relax and gaze at the stars from your lodge!

Day 2: Cruz del Condor – Arequipa.

Rise early and head for the ” Cruz del Cóndor ” National Park viewpoint, where you will have a magnificent view of the Colca Canyon.
Discover the deepest part of the canyon, the flight route of the Andean condor up close in its natural habitat.
Next, visit the surrounding villages, which feature elegantly preserved colonial churches, and interact with the warm and gentle locals, in their typical traditional needlework dresses.
Marvel at the hundreds of pre-Inca farming terraces, that are still used to grow the varied produce of the Andes, such as corn, quinoa and kiwicha (a type of grain that has been farmed for over 5,000 years).
Return to Arequipa after lunch for an approximate arrival time of 6 PM.

B. (1 Day)
1 Day: Arequipa – Cruz del Condor – Arequipa.

Early (3am) start, spend the day watching condors glide over the Colca Canyon on a full-day trip from Arequipa, a great choice for nature lovers. Observe condors and absorb panoramic views of the Colca Canyon from La Cruz del Condor lookout point.
Drive through the scenic landscape passing by agricultural fields and tiny villages, en route Cruz del Condor viewpoint.
Watch quietly and patiently to witness the giant Andean Condor flying silently overhead from this impressive overlook point.
Upon arrival to Chivay, stop at the Hot Springs, relax and soak in the therapeutic pools if you wish.
Have lunch on your own in Chivay and enjoy free time to visit the local marketplace and main square.
The last stop will be the National Park, where you will be able to see lagoons filled with Andean birds, Volcano Ampato, where the mummy “Juanita” was discovered, llamas, alpacas and vicuñas.
Return to Arequipa city center after a fun and busy day (6pm)!

Optional: Bus ride or flight to Cusco or Lima, or extend your journey to Nazca by bus.

Optional: Arequipa City Tour.
Duration: Half day, Group service or private service.

Arequipa is known as the White City (Ciudad Blanca) due to its many colonial-era buildings made from Sillar, a white volcanic rock.
Arequipa embodies a rich mix of the indigenous and Spanish colonial influence typical in Peru.
With centuries of history since its founding, examples of Spanish colonial architecture can be found throughout the center of the city and surrounding districts, it provides a great experience for the visitor, who feels like visiting a living museum

Choquequirao Pro 4 Day Trek

Duration: 4 days 3 nights (64km) Departure: Depending on availability.

Choquequirao (“The Golden Cradle” in Quechua – “The Other Machupicchu”)

It has been over 100 years since explorer Hiram Bingham first rediscovered the existence of Choquequirao. It is a 4-day trek to reach this hidden Incan citadel, larger than Machupicchu and much less known by travelers, sitting in the saddle of a high Andean ridge at 3000m. The city is an inspiring example of an elite Inca ceremonial center, dedicated to the worship of Incan deities the mountain gods (apus) in the Vilcabamba Mountain Range  (National Park) joining the ranks of the world’s greatest lost cities.



Day 1) Cusco –  Cachora – Chiquisqa

Transfer from Cusco to Cachora, an Andean community, which is the starting point of the trek.

Trek to Chiquisca Camp 19km, 2000m

Approximate hiking time: 6 hours

We start our trek climbing towards the majestic snow-covered peaks and river canyons towards Chiquisca semi-tropical jungle, where we set up camp to spend the night.

Day 2)  Chiquisca – Playa Rosalina – Sunchupata                                                                                 

Trek to Sunchupata Camp 12km, 2850m (highest point)                                                             

Approximate hiking time: 7 hours                                                                                                  

We cross the Apurimac River and start climbing towards Santa Rosa, zigzagging up steep slopes.  Here we may be lucky enough to encounter the flight of the condors, as well as the lush vegetation and its variety of flowers and orchids.

Day 3) Sunchupata – Choquequirao – Chiquisqa                                                                                             

Approximate hiking time: 15km, 8 hours                                                                                              

From Sunchupata we walk 1 hour until we reach the archaeological complex of Choquequirao, located at 3103m to enjoy a guided tour and some free time to explore the terraces and buildings. From here we will continue our journey to the village of Chaquisqa.

Day 4) Chiquisqa – Capuliyoc – Cachora – Cusco

Approximate hiking time 16km, 6 hours.
The last day of the trek, we observe the stunning landscapes of the Apurimac river canyon gorges. After being captivated by the stunning scenery, we will arrive to the town of Cachora.

In the afternoon our transport will be waiting to take us back to Cusco arriving in the late evening.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           



Transfers to Cachora – Cusco, 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners, entrance fee to Choquequirao, professional bilingual tour guide, camping accommodation: 3 nights, guided tour of Choquequirao, water (bring water for just the first morning), tents (sharing in a 2-person tent), foam sleeping mattress, horses to carry equipment (6kg per person), professional cook, camping equipment (kitchen tent, dining tent, chairs, tables and oxygen tank) and first aid kit

Not Included:                                                                                                                                 

Sleeping bag, first breakfast, last lunch, individual camping tent.



Passport is required to pass control points!

We also offer a 5 days 4 night version of Choquequirao.

Physical Grading: Strenuous.


What to pack…..


Here are some tips on what to pack for your trail: 

Passport, cash, backpack to carry your personal items, rain jacket or poncho, comfortable hiking shoes, warm clothes, including jacket for variable weather conditions, small towel & toiletries, personal medication, water bottle, sunscreen, sunglasses & hat, insect repellent, toilet paper, torch / flashlight and snacks.


Lares 4 Day Trek

Lares Trek: 4 Day to Machupicchu - Trekking distance - 34km Duration: 4 days / 3 nights - Daily departures in group or private service

The most cultural alternative route to trek to Machupicchu    

This Lares trek will take you on an adventure to explore some of the most remote, authentic and unknown places in the heart of the Andes – off the beaten track, to where you will meet and interact with locals of traditional Andean villages. This trek is also outstandingly beautiful, combining the majestic Andean mountains with spectacular glaciers, glacial lakes, stunning waterfalls, and numerous llamas and alpaca farms. Finish your experience at a high point, spending an unforgettable day exploring Machupicchu.




Day 1) Cusco – Lares – Kiswarani

Early morning transfer from Cusco to the Sacred Valley, first enjoying a dip in the Lares hot springs. The route on day one is relatively easy, visiting local Andean villages, learning about the native plants, flowers and birds that inhabit this region. Camp in the middle of the Andes mountain range.


Day 2) Quiswarani – Condor Pass & Cancha Cancha                                                           The second day is the longest and most challenging with spectacular hiking uphill to the Condor Pass at 4700m (the highest point of your journey) with stunningly breathtaking scenery.                                                                                            You’ll also learn a few Quechua phrases so that you can interact with the local people.


Day 3) Cancha Cancha – Ollantaytambo – Aguas Calientes                                              Descend from the highlands into the Sacred Valley. Take some time to explore the ancient streets and the water channels of this last living Inca village, channels that have been in use continuously since Inca times. Along the way we’ll pass through several small communities and see  people growing a variety of foods such as quinua and tarwi. After a splendid scenic hike, we’ll be picked up by our bus and driven to Ollantaytambo to catch the train to Aguas Calientes “Basin of the Jungle Cloud Forest” Machupicchu town. Hotel in Aguas Calientes.


Day 4) Aguas Calientes – Machupicchu – Cusco                                                                Rise early to view the sanctuary of Machupicchu for sunrise, unlocking the secrets of the lost city with your guide, exploring mystical Machupicchu and its 140 structures including temples, sanctuaries, parks and houses, exploring at your own pace.Return to Aguas Calientes before taking the train / transfer back to Cusco.

Includes:  Transfers to Lares – Ollantaytambo – Cusco, meals, professional bilingual tour guide, camping & accommodation in Aguas Calientes, guided tours, water (bring water for just the first morning), tents (sharing in a 2-person tent), foam sleeping mattress, horses to carry equipment (6kg per person), professional cook, camping equipment (kitchen tent, dining tent, chairs, tables and oxygen tank) and first aid kit, transportation by bus to Pumahuanca and from Lares to Ollantaytambo, train tickets, 1 bus ticket to Machupicchu, entrance into Machupicchu

Not Included:                                                     Sleeping bag, first breakfast, last lunch, individual camping tent, entrance to Huaynapicchu Mountain, entrance to Lares hot springs & travel Insurance.


Campsites may vary depending on weather conditions.                                                                                                                      Visit to the hot springs depends on the guides opinion either on day 1 or 3

Passport is required to pass control points!


What to pack…..


Here are some tips on what to pack: Passport, cash, backpack to carry your personal items, rain jacket or poncho, comfortable hiking shoes, warm clothes, including jacket for variable weather conditions, small towel & toiletries, swimsuit for the hot springs, personal medication, water bottle, sunscreen, sunglasses & hat, insect repellent, toilet paper, torch / flashlight, snacks and a small gifts for the local children


A. (Puerto Maldonado) B. (Iquitos) C. (Manu) D. (Pucallpa)

There are many exotic adventures and destinations to choose from :


A. (Puerto Maldonado) B. (Iquitos) C. (Manu) D. (Pucallpa)


If you want to experience a rich and memorable area of the Amazon jungle then here are some excellent choices. 

You can visit the natural wildlife habitat ranging from caiman and pink dolphins up-close along the river bank in a canoe, to a jaguar or even an anaconda.

You can engage in bird watching at the clay lick, that the parrots love in primary botanical forest; visit the medicine gardens, see a variety of monkeys on a jungle walk or even a night walk to see the nocturnal insects, spiders, tarantulas, and frogs.

Isolated in the deep jungle, you will be with experienced nature guides through diverse forest habitats with a dozen different species of primates. 

The Amazon jungle also offers ayahuasca ceremonies, plant diets and traditional healing work with shamans.

The Amazon Rainforest has a tropical, hot and humid climate, with rain during the summertime, and offers tours from 2 to 6 days plus!

Travelers are sure to have a one-of-a kind experience when staying at one of the many incredible Amazon lodges.

We offer private & personalized packages that will give you a trip-of-a-lifetime!





A. (Puerto Maldonado) – Departures from Lima & Cusco – by air or bus.

Puerto Maldonado is the capital city of the Madre de Dios region in southeast Peru. It’s also known as a gateway to the southern Amazon jungle. Puerto Maldonado is a good option for travelers who have a limited time frame or budget as it’s easily reachable from Cusco by bus or air. Puerto Maldonado is a protected National Reserve Park joining the Bolivian and Brazilian rainforest and borders alongside the Madre de Dios and Tambopata Rivers and is one of the largest nature preserves in the world.

The lodges here are comfortable and provide travelers with intimate access to the Amazon rainforest renowned for its incredible biodiversity. 

Our Puerto Maldonado tours through the rain forest offer you incredible opportunities to absorb the Amazon jungle and learn about this fascinating land and its inhabitants. You can choose to experience one of the most captivating scenarios, for example the macaw clay lick where hundreds of parrots and macaws converge daily to take in the minerals offered by clay cliffs along the river banks or you could choose to visit one of the lakes, where there are dozens of caimans, turtles, giant otters, and piranhas.



B. (Manu) Departures from Cusco – by bus.

Manu offers, by far, the greatest volume and diversity of animals and plants in the world. No other destination in Peru or beyond can compare with Manu.

Manu boasts the highest bird, mammal, and plant diversity of any park on Earth, including 1,000 of the world’s 9,700 bird species, 200 species of mammals, and 15,000 species of flowering plants.

The incredible 165km/102-mile drive from Cusco to the lodge crosses the most spectacular and varied range of Andean habitats in South America. The drive typically lasts 8 hours, including stops in Andean towns and many opportunities to walk and experience on foot the upper cloud forest habitat.

Manu Biosphere Reserve is a sprawling national park in southeastern Peru, spanning from Andean highlands to Cloud Forest and lowland jungle. It’s known for its rich biodiversity.

The National Park of Manu, a World Cultural Heritage Site is located in the Cusco Region.

It is the only park in all of Latin America to cover the full range of environments, from low, tropical jungle to cold, high grassland of over 4,000 meters above sea level.



C. (Iquitos) Departures from Lima – by air only.

Iquitos, an Amazon River port in northeastern Peru is located  2,300 miles upstream from the Atlantic Ocean. It was founded in 1864 at the site of an Indigenous village and became the chief shipping port for the region during the rubber boom of the late 19th century. Iquitos is the gateway to the jungle lodges and tribal villages of the northern Amazon.

Travel to the heart of the Peruvian Amazon basin from the base-town of Iquitos to see the revered ‘pink dolphin’, one of the wildlife highlights of the Amazon.

It is known as the “capital of the Peruvian Amazon”, and is the 9th most populace city in Peru. The city is located in the Great Plains of the Amazon Basin, fed by the Amazon River

It is the largest city in the world that cannot be reached by road – it is accessible only by river and air. Iquitos experiences an equatorial climate that is a tropical rainforest climate.

It’s important to note that Iquitos offers both Amazon River cruises and lodges. You can take a cruise or a stay in a lodge, or a combination of the two experiences.



D. (Pucallpa) Departures from Lima – by air or bus.

Pucallpa is covered by endless miles of jungle, ruled by the laws of nature and the world’s longest and mighty Amazon river to whom still live many native communities inside this region.

Pucallpa is part of the “eyebrow” of the jungle, that’s why its climate is tropical and very warm, with sunshine most of the year.

The Shipibo indigenous tribe of the Amazon basin have been considered the caretakers of the jungle and maintain the traditions of their ancestors, including the ritual use of Ayahuasca and other plant medicines of the Amazon. The Shipibo retain ancestral customs, clothing, jewelry and their native language.

There are also boats in Iquitos that can take you to Pucallpa, the trip itself is magical and takes 4 to 5 days.



What to Bring…..


Original passport, camera and charger/battery, small backpack (20 liters), long sleeve shirts (cotton and preferably dark colors), long cotton socks , shorts and long pants , sandals or light shoes, swimsuit, hat, sun block, sunscreen , sunglasses, insect repellent , pocket money (Peruvian Soles – small bills and change), raincoat, water bottle for refilling water and binoculars.


Humantay Lake

Duration: Full day. Group and private service. Departure times: 5am and 6pm (Depending on which service)

Humantay Lake is one of Peru’s many hidden gems. located between the Salkantay and Humantay Mountains. This magnificent lagoon is located 120 kilometers from Cusco, making it a perfect day trip into the mountains. Minerals within the glacier are released into the watergiving it its picturesque emerald color. Humantay is known for leaving offerings to Pachamama by placing of stones and coca leaves as mounds placed on top of one another.




Humantay Lake is Located in the district of Mollepata. a 4-hour-drive in private transport to Soraypampa. Once in Soraypampa we will stop for breakfast before beginning the 1.5 hour trek up to the Humantay Lake 4200m, taking in beautiful views and impressive snow-capped Mountains. Upon arrival at the lake, you will have free time to explore on your own or go swimming weather permitting, then we return to Soraypampa for lunch and on to Cusco by 6pm.



Private Transportation (round trip), local tour guide, entrance to Humantay Lake, medical kit with oxygen, breakfast and lunch (Optional).

Horse (optional), if you decide not to hike the whole route!


Alternative Routes

Lima sightseeing tour

Lima, also know as the City of Kings offers a complete cultural excursion combined with Pre Hispanic period, Colonial era, and Modern Lima that allows the visitor to get an idea of Lima’s whole history, discover the must-see places in the heart of Lima. Lima is the second largest desert capital city after Cairo in Egypt. The city is located on a desert strip between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes Mountains. 


Paracas National Reserve Boat Tour

The Ballestas Islands are a group of rocky islands located off the Pacific coast of Peru near the town of Paracas south of Lima. Nicknamed “The Poor Man´s Galapagos boat tour”, the islands are a must-see for all wildlife lovers as they’re home to thousands of birds and mammals including penguins, sea lions, pelicans and dolphins.


Ica / Huacachina Tour

Huacachina a small natural oasis located in Ica south of Lima the only desert oasis in South America, its also the hotspot for sand dune buggies and sand boarding in Peru! Wine tasting in Ica, that has some of the oldest vineyards of South America and is also known for its wine and Peruvian brandy “Pisco.” The vast desert offers a wealth of experiences. 



The Nazca Lines are ancient geoglyphs etched into the Nazca desert in the south of Peru. The lines, some over 2,000 years old, have blown away historians and archaeologists for hundreds of years, and even today there is no uniform agreement as to how or why they were created. Spread over almost 80km of desert a flight over the Nazca Lines is the only way to do justice to these incredible landmarks. There are more than 40 functioning aqueducts, known as “Puquios”, that were built to bring water to this desert town. 


Northern Peru

The North of Peru Huaraz, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura,  Mancora and Tumbes has exceptional archaeological sites: Caral, Chan Chan, Sipán and Túcume  combined with spectacular landscapes and paradise beaches along the Pan-American Highway which is approximately 15,000 miles long and passes through 14 countries along the way including Peru. It’s known as the longest road in the world because it connects two continents north to south. 


Transportation Services

Air, road or rail whatever the means you can be sure it will be more than a way to get from A to B, safely and convenient. 

Transportation can be arranged to and from for all modes of transport and destination.


Hotel Bookings

The hotels are within easy walking distance of Cusco’s endless attractions, including a wide choice of restaurants, nightlife, monuments and museums, as well as the direct links to all the tourist highlights in and around these vibrant towns that offer comfortable accommodation to suit all budgets.


Retreat Accommodation

San Pedro Retreat takes place at the Temple of the Moon. The Sanctuary is just minutes away from the heart of Cusco up above in the scenic hills. The lodge is a ‘home away from home’ and has caring staff to ensure a comfortable and safe stay. Rooms cater for singles, doubles or dormitory style accommodation with private and or shared bathrooms. Offering comfortable lounges, kitchen and dining areas, hot showers, heaters, beautiful garden space, safety boxes, oxygen and awesome star-gazing away from the city lights. The rugged beauty of the environment is perfect for those seeking peace in a quiet and nurturing space, the centre is situated upon powerful energetic ley lines in the mountains adjacent to the famed Temple of the Moon an ancient Incan ceremonial site. For independent and group rental packages!


Southern African Journeys.


Visit the very best of  Africa, from the cosmopolitan streets of Cape Town to the magnificent landscapes of beautiful beaches, majestic mountains and lush wilderness. 


Southern Africa is well-known as one of the world’s best destinations for both wildlife and ocean safaris. 


It offers diverse cultural heritage, award-winning vineyards and excursions to spot the famous Big Five, leopard, rhino, elephant, buffalo and lion from an open vehicle game drive in the bush.


Our specialized, individual and group expeditions are uniquely custom-made to accommodate all budgets.

Enjoy safe, comfortable transport, accommodation and African cuisine.


Shamanic Market  South Africa have been providing international visitors with exceptional quality, and personalized travel experiences since 2000. 


We believe in giving back to community, as part of our philosophy, by supporting the Masizame Children’s Shelter.


Watch for our annual trips to South Africa.

Eco & Sustainable Tourism 


Traveling with us, you go behind the scenes !